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Contract Ready Live: Segment - "Certifications & The APEX Accelerator"


Enrique Gonzalez discusses how the County of Los Angeles supports small businesses through certifications and the Apex Accelerator Program, helping them become contract-ready.

Key Points:

  • Equity and Support:

    • Promotes equity for small businesses.
    • Certifications available since 2015.
  • Certifications:

    • Local Small Business Enterprise (LSBE)
    • Social Enterprise (SE)
    • Service-Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE)
    • Community Business Enterprise (CBE)
  • Apex Accelerator Program:

    • Funded by the Department of Defense.
    • Free services to help businesses get contract-ready.
    • Assists in finding suitable contracts.
  • Benefits:

    • Priority in contract opportunities.
    • Buyer assistance in finding the right contracts.

